Jumat, 09 Maret 2012


This HTC phone has many advanced features, such as the 8MP (mega-pixel) camera, ability to connect to an HDTV and the latest version of the HTC Sense User Interface making it a strong player on the Android team.The 4G network is about to become fully fledged, and it's bringing America’s first 4G phone, the HTC EVO 4G with it. This fourth-generation network has spread to only a few dozen cities in the U.S, and until it expands, the EVO is just another Android out on the market. However, it isn’t just a phone to be set aside and ignored.

This HTC is a big and thick phone. because The EVO not only has increased speed and power compared to other Droids, but also increased size. Screen-size of 4.3-inches sharp colors and vibrancy are also important with such a grand display, and the EVO will not disappoint with a screen resolution of 480 x 800 pixels, which is the same sharp resolution you will find on both the Nexus One and Droid Incredible.
As a mobile platform, the EVO 4G's Android foundation is still an infant,  but  the list of truly revolutionary devices to use it has been a significant one: the G1 for being the first to market;  Needless to say, Sprint, HTC, and quite frankly, many of us have come to expect the EVO 4G to join that short list for some obvious reasons. a 1GHz Snapdragon processor, 4.3-inch WVGA display, 8 megapixel camera with 720p video recording, HDMI-out, and WiMAX compatibility. Of course, the list of potential deal-breakers for a phone is as long as the EVO 4G's display is wide.